Your journey to calm cheffing starts here.
Hi, I’m Mariana and I’m here to encourage women chefs to slow down and take a more considered, thoughtful approach to work and life. If you are looking for rest and relief from the fast-paced kitchen environment, I’m with you! The Slow Chef is a space for us to explore ways to bring slowness to our lives.
Please know, I am not here to encourage my fellow chefs to work slowly. The meaning of “The Slow Chef” is way deeper than that.
I have worked in hospitality for a few years now and seen too many women be negatively affected by the demanding, masculine chef culture that surrounds us.
Our femininity should not have to be repressed or made fun of. It should be celebrated.
We should also have enough space to consider what truly matters, how to really bring about change for the better and how to have a positive relationship with our work.
That is why I have started The Slow Chef. For us to come together and build each other up in these areas. I want us to be able to thrive at work, and have fulfilling lives when we get home. This has proven to be a challenge for me and I’m guessing many other women!
My hope is that you can use this space to learn about yourself, question the status quo, escape the rush, find new perspectives, refocus your energies, reach community and much more. I want you to be a Slow Chef while you’re here….let’s cultivate a more peaceful approach to living and working, so that we can keep mastering our craft and not let it get the best of us.
More about me…
Age: 33
Location: Gold Coast, Australia
Hobbies: reading, writing, sipping tea, attempting crochet, cuddling cats